Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is Raynaud's Syndrome you ask?

Raynaud's Syndrome is a circulation disorder which affects the blood vessels causing then to spasm when exposed to temperature changes. This spasm of the vessels causes the blood supply to the extremities (especially the fingers and toes) to diminish turning the skin in the affected areas white, yellow-ish, then eventually blue due to prolonged lack of oxygen. When the blood vessels open back up and allow blood to rush back into the affected areas, the skin flushes and turns red. There are a number of different treatments for this syndrome, most of which include preventing the extremities from temperature changes (keep warm). That's it in a nutshell. Here is a Q & A article about Raynaud's from the NY Times:

1 comment:

  1. This is a pretty good article to check out for different variations, presentations of Raynaud's
